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I never thought I would ever come this far, and it is very gratifying that there are so many people actually interested in what I am doing.


For me “Still Headroom” means room and capacity for better things.

Enjoy the show!

Kevin Whitaker

November, 2022



Exhibition Catalogue

Grace Notes

Kevin’s 9th painting show, Still Headroom,  is truly a remarkable accomplishment, made possible by the incredible village of people who surround us near and far. These grace notes are a shout out to all those villagers. In particular: Jeana McCabe and Jordan MacTavish’s film: Still Headroom: Parkinson’s and the Power of Care is a labour of love. Their meticulous attention curated about a thousand videos, taken on the go by Marie as she relentlessly chronicled their adventures. Thank you Jeana and Jordan. “Well! Kevin has to have a show”. These words, uttered by Marie’s childhood friend, Helen Jackson, led us to  Ellen Moorhouse at Back Lane Studios in February 2018. We returned from Santa Barbara with three large paintings taken off their frames. Kevin’s first painting show, Chasing Monsters, emerged from those paintings and led to the first film produced by Jeana and Jordan. Since then we have had five more shows at our beloved Back Lane Studios. Ellen, your generosity and  encouragement set the stage for shows in Quebec and France, with the help of Margot Heyerhoff at Gillygooly in Quebec and Peter Tagiuri at Maison Richelieu in France.  Thank you Ellen.  We were blessed by a team of medical professionals who saw us through the worst of the pandemic.  Toronto Western’s Dr. Elizabeth Slow, and nurse Anthea Tuit, helped us immensely, as did Sunnybrook’s Dr. Mario Masselis and assistant Karina Subhanie.  Medications were adjusted virtually, and calls were returned. We felt looked after despite the distance. LHIN’s Stephanie Marazzatto, Paramed Staff Anne-Marie and Alla Pylypchuk,  gave us high quality home care services. Thank you. You made us feel important.  Our ever present backbone supporters merit deep appreciation. Ed Smolinksi -- our dear neighbour has framed and hung every Toronto show. John Booth, one of Kevin’s first friends at Queen’s in 1976, took it upon himself to become Kevin’s impresario. He created a website, photographed the works and learned the art of giclée printing. Without these two, our basement would be overflowing with canvases looking for love. The Timberclub, Kevin’s room-mates, supported a Commission that now hangs in the Queen’s School of Kinesiology and Health Studies. Thank you.  Along the way, we made many new friends, and held onto old ones. Thanks to all of you whose visits, emails, text messages, and Zoom check-ins connected us when the world seemed particularly off-kilter. Home is now Quebec’s Eastern Townships where our spirits are nourished daily by friends and neighbours. We are grateful for the villagers of North Hatley and the beauty that surrounds us every day.  Lastly, a shout out to our families, who always show up – each in different and meaningful ways. Your support, humour, companionship, insight, advice and expertise has made all the difference.  Apologies to anyone who feels left out. If you are reading this, you are beloved. Love, 
Kevin and Marie November 26 2022

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